Putting your Passport Onchain
You can now put your Builder Score and Credentials onchain.
Bringing your Talent Passport onchain creates a tamper-proof record of your Credentials and Builder Score, and makes Talent Protocol even more interoperable.
The Builder Score is stored in a custom smart contract, whereas the Credentials are an attestation with a snapshot of your Talent Passport.
Putting your Talent Passport onchain costs 0.001 ETH.
Paying to bring their professional reputation onchain can be interpreted as an additional signal of commitment and trust, so it will also earn you a new credential and increase your Builder Score.
This new βTalent Passportβ Credential verifies that a user has created a Talent Passport account, and will give additional points if the user puts their Talent Passport onchain.
This operation essentially creates a one-time snapshot of your Talent Protocol onchain.
To update your reputation data onchain, you will need to repeat the same operation and pay another 0.001 ETH. As an alternative, the Talent Protocol API will always provide the must up to date Builder Score and Credentials.
Last updated