📈$TALENT Token

The key to access the reputation data of 1M+ builders.

$TALENT is launching in late October. Check the Token Launch FAQ for more information.

Why $TALENT exists?

$TALENT decentralizes Talent Protocol's reputation data, ensuring it stays both reliable and accessible as the network grows. The token is designed to create a trustworthy and sustainable professional reputation ecosystem. Here’s how it achieves that:

  • Improved Data Quality: filter out inaccurate or low-quality data, as participants have a financial incentive to ensure high standards.

  • Increased Trust: participants are incentivized to provide accurate data, as dishonest actors risk losing their staked tokens.

  • Aligned Incentives: aligns interests of builders, recruiters, and ecosystem apps with the long-term success of Talent Protocol.

How is $TALENT useful?

  • For talent -> Increase reputation and visibility of your professional profile.

    • Deposit $TALENT to show your commitment to potential employers, boost your Builder Score and stand out in a competitive job market.

    • Use $TALENT to access Builder Perks and premium features.

    • Deposit & earn $TALENT for contributing with quality data to the protocol.

  • For apps & devs → Easy, fast access to reputation data of 1M+ builders.

    • Use $TALENT to pay for Talent API premium access and usage fees.

    • Earn $TALENT for building new Credentials (requires a stake and approval).

  • For orgs & recruiters → Identify top talent more effectively and reduce hiring risks.

    • Use $TALENT to pay for advanced search tools and access to unique data.

    • Deposit & earn $TALENT for sharing recruitment data with the protocol.

  • For scouts & supporters → Support the next generation of onchain builders.

    • Stake $TALENT in other builders, to show the network who really trust/believe in them.

    • Earn $TALENT for finding hidden talent.


Our High Float, Low FDV approach creates a better environment for delivering long-term value to token holders:

  • Long-term stability of the token price.

  • Reducing sell pressure.

  • Decreasing inflation.

  • Increasing the project longevity.

Go deeper on tokenomics here.


To build a reliable reputation ecosystem, Talent Protocol counts with the support of several key partners like Base, Coinbase, Protocol Labs, Alliance, Celo, ENS, ETHGlobal, Worldcoin, Safe, Cyber, just to name some.

Last updated