Data Issuer
A Data Issuer is the trusted entity associated with Data Point on Talent Protocol.
Key Attributes:
Represents the source of trust for the data (e.g., GitHub, Base, ENS).
It can be distinct from the technical provider where Talent Protocol fetches the data from (Accounts).
Some Data Issuers can also be Accounts (e.g., GitHub), while others are not (e.g., Base).
Some Accounts can provide multiple data issuers (ex.: wallet address)
A single Data Issuer can provide multiple Data Points.
GitHub is both an Account (where we get the data from technically) and the Data Issuer (entity that we trust to issue reputation data to a subject).
Base is a Data Issuer, with multiple Data Points (number of transactions, smart contracts deployed, ...), but it's not an Account. The account in this case is the wallet address.
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