Basename (Primary)
Verifies ownership of a primary Base domain.
First Transaction
Verifies the timestamp of the first transaction on Base.
Buildathon Participant
Verifies participation in Base Buildathons via staking contracts
ETH Balance
Verifies the current ETH balance on Base.
Outgoing Transactions
Verifies the total number of outgoing transactions on Base.
Basecamp Attendee
Verifies attendance of Basecamp 001 in August 2024 via NFT ownership.
Buildathon Winner
Verifies Base Buildathon winner status via Devfolio-issued NFT.
/base-builds Earnings
Verifies total earnings from Base Builds rounds, via API and using Farcaster ID.
Base Learn
Verifies the completion of each of the 13 Base Learn exercises via NFT owernship.
Base Active Smart Contracts
Number of smart contracts deployed to Base mainnet by the user, with 10+ unique transacting wallets.
Contracts Deployed (Mainnet)
Number of smart contracts deployed to Base mainnet by the user.
Contracts Deployed (Testnet)
Number of smart contracts deployed to Base testnet by the user.