Builder Score
Talent Protocol aggregates a wide range of reputation data points (Credentials), and calculates a dynamic Builder Score that represents a user's reputation as an onchain builder.
The Builder Score is calculated for every Talent Profile holder, and its main goal is to distinguish builders from other types of crypto users.
Apps like Basenames or Etherscan already integrate with the Builder Score to bring more context to their users and to curate the best talent in crypto.
But what does "builder" mean?
Our current definition is that “building” means investing time and effort to add value, therefore an onchain builder is anyone creating shared value onchain.
Talent Protocol is currently prioritizing Base Developers as its core audience, but all types of builders are welcome and encouraged to create a Talent Profile.
How is Builder Score calculated?
Builder Score is simply a sum of all the credentials in a Talent Profile, and their individual scores.
Builder Score doesn’t have a maximum cap, so it’s likely to increase over time, as we add more integrations and possible credentials to the protocol.
Builder Score is still highly experimental, so expect regular updates to its scoring formula.
Why is Builder Score useful?
Users can leverage their Builder Score within Talent Protocol's growing partner ecosystem, while app developers can integrate the Builder Score to personalize their products, gate access to their communities or curate the best talent in crypto.
Ecosystem apps are also able to create alternative scoring systems, based on the same Credentials and reputation data on Talent Protocol. This means a Talent Profile can have multiple scores, depending on the context in which it’s being displayed.
Last updated